My Story

Since I was young I have had a passion for art.  This passion followed me throughout my career.  I have been working in the construction trades since I was 16 years old.  I have extensive background in painting, texture coating, murals, accent walls, decorative concrete and pool decks.  My  passion for art led me to  a degree in graphic design.  If you have any graphic design needs, visit my website

Gary Reed

Painting and design for over 30 years

"Greener ways for better days ” 

It is important to me to keep the dust during construction to a minimum by using a closed sanding system when large amounts of dust will be created.  I use paint with the low VOCs (fumes)  for both client safety and smaller environmental impact.  I also love to recycle any leftover job materials to keep them out of landfills.

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Telephone: 586-489-8202

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